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Young Students


For decades, we have delivered Dynamic Assessment training to Educational Psychologists (EPs), teachers and Speech and Language Therapists (SaLTs) across the UK and beyond. Find out more about what courses from Dynamic Assessment UK can offer you and email Dr Fraser Lauchlan or Dr Clare Daly today. Below we outline the concept of the Dynamic School as described in our textbook "Applying Dynamic Assessment in Schools: A Practical Approach"

The Dynamic School: Course Overview


Throughout our many years delivering teacher DA training in the UK and beyond, we have observed the significant difference the approach has made in understanding learners, creating personalised feedback and planning academic and wellbeing targets. Nevertheless, for a true ethos shift, all those involved with the learner need to be thinking dynamically.

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In our experience of more than 25 years of using the approach, teaching staff have often asked about Dynamic Assessment after one of our feedback sessions. They observed parallels with their own formative assessment frameworks and were keen to explore the learning principles with their class. Educational professionals are increasingly being asked to use learning assessments to evidence class ability, yet few felt confident in their ability to analyse this data. They required a framework to support their teacher judgment and enhance professional competence.


In response, we developed training especially for teachers and additional support staff which could extend and bring meaning to the Dynamic Assessment carried out by their EPs and SaLTs. The training includes:

  • Learning theory

  • Mediation skills

  • Learning principles

  • Dynamic resources and frameworks

  • Feedback and communication

  • Roles and responsibilities

  • Improvement planning (school/class/individual)

  • Using additional support effectively

Dynamic Assessment UK offers basic 2-day training and further coaching and mentoring opportunities across the UK.

Virtual Team Meeting
The Dynamic School: Services

What is dynamic assessment? 

Dynamic assessment is an alternative means of assessing children, mostly used by educational psychologists and speech therapists, but is being increasingly recognised by all those working in education. In contrast to standardised methods of assessment, the aim of dynamic assessment is not to compare a standardised score with the norm of an age group, but instead to explore how a child learns, and which aspects of their learning require intervention. A focus is on the adult-child relationship based on the theory of mediated learning, and how this can help the child improve aspects of their learning.  

Based on the theories of Lev Vygotsky and Reuven Feuerstein, we have developed an approach to dynamic assessment and mediated learning that is based on more than 40 years of practical experience. Depending on the age and stage of the child, dynamic assessment can help the child be more aware of what they could do to enhance their learning as they are fully involved in the process. We have designed materials with child-friendly language and visual aids that can assist the child in understanding their learning style. 

Dynamic assessment is based on the notion that you can learn more about a child’s cognitive development by working with them in an collaborative way, rather than merely assessing what they can do on their own. The collaborative aspect of the assessment context, as well as a more flexible approach to how the assessment is administered (in order to explore a child’s learning style) are key features of dynamic assessment. 

Our training and certification programme are designed to help all education professionals develop their skills and competencies in this innovate assessment and intervention technique.



Please see Courses available for more details.

Alternatively click here for more details of our BPS Certification programme. 

what is dynamic assessment
The Dynamic School: Testimonials

“I am much more confident in scaffolding when I take the children out for 1:1 sessions, previously I was concerned that I was giving them too much/too little support but now I feel confident in my judgement and how I will report this back to their teacher”

ASN Assistant


Alternatively, complete our contact form below or call us on 07479 931694 to discuss your requirements or to find out more.

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The Dynamic School: Price Quote
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